Your donation saves lives

We have supported Triple Gem School since 2005 by way of the milk programme as well as computers, musical instruments, sports equipment, books and 7 educational sponsorships. 🙏

Congratulations to the winners in the July draw of the CHANCE 100 Club.
1st - Dave Bradshaw - £120
2nd - David Newman - £80
3rd - Adrienne Golightly - £50
Enjoy! I am delighted to say we continue to have 100 members🙏❤

CHANCE for Nepal
I am immensely proud of Dr Aban Gautam, whose dream of building a hospital of excellence, a beacon of light, in providing free treatment to those who cannot afford to pay has come to fruition and is now open to patients. 🥰What a challenge, what an accomplishment!👏🙏
... CHANCE for Nepal is delighted and honoured to have been a part of Aban’s journey when the area the hospital was built on was just soil and a dream.🙏
This is just the start, as Aban and his team open the doors to the first patients.❤
Wishing you all a thriving and brilliant future ahead🙏

Students at the brilliant Yangchenma Academy, in Doramba, which is located 3400m above sea level, enjoying their daily exercise . CHANCE for Nepal has been supporting Bimila Ghising, the founder of the school for the past 6 years. 🥰🙏

A splendid and recording breaking evening at The Keep, in Guildford last night. A magnificent £645 was raised with 32 people playing in 6 teams.

Jane and Brian, the landlords are incredible the amount of energy and time they give to our quiz nights to make them so ...enjoyable. Besides organising the questions Jane gives us a delicious complementary light supper. Thanks go to Yianne behind the bar who kept everyone’s drinks top up. 💕

Great atmosphere and fun on a lovely summers evening. Lovely to welcome two newcomers, Eloise and Sophie whose presence gave an overall win to my team…a first! 👏

A great boost to our overall amount raised were 5 dashing young men, top hats and tails and a beautiful lady who after a fabulous day at Ascot popped into The Keep for a drink in the garden and most generously donated £135 to the evening. 😍

The funds raised from last night will go to Aadesh, who have sponsored his education in Nepal for over 12 years. Aadesh, has won a scholarship to study in Louisiana, from August, a wonderful opportunity for him. Having completed his 1st semester at the prestigious GATE College in Kathmandu he will join the 2nd semester of year one in Hospitality Management specialising in accountancy in the US. This is a four-year course. We will be following him with great interest.

Thank you so much to everyone who came last night. I feel so privileged to have such loyal supporters. 🙏

If anyone would like to know more about making up a team of 4 or 6 please email me:
for further details.

CHANCE for Nepal has been supporting Sneha's Care for the past 7 years. We donate £1,000 each year for 1000 anti rabies vaccinations. Thank you Sneha Care and the team, such a terrific organisation and thank you to all our supporters of CHANCE which makes this happen 🙏

We are delighted to see the Kumala School operating, this our 8th school building. Massive thanks to Rosy and Peter Gent who donated £6,000 for the construction. They have been terrific supporters to CHANCE for many years, this being the third school they have supported. 🙏😍
GMIN, one of ...our partners on the ground in Nepal do a fantastic job of building these four roomed school buildings which house up to 100 students.🙏

Congratulations to the winners in the June draw of the CHANCE 100 Club which took place this morning.
1st - Pamela Nash - £120
2nd - Geraldine Ritchie - £80
3rd - Chris Lewis - £50
Enjoy! I am delighted to say we continue to have 100 members❤

It is with delight I share this post of some of the children enjoying a cooking experience at Yangchenma Academy in Doramba, which lies at 3,400 metres above sea level and a five hour drive from Kathmandu.
CHANCE has been supporting this school for over 5 years. The founder Bimila Ghising ...with a pure heart of goodness touched my heart the first time I met her. The school is run on Buddhist lines and starts each take with meditation.
CHANCE funds a teacher's salary, and has funded a water tank, toilet block, desks, whiteboards, books and stationary over the years. There are 87 students, 52 girls and 35 boys aged from 2 to 13.
This year brings 19 scholarships, for academically bright children who are unable to pay the fees.
Some children walk up to 2 hours to reach school each morning and the same home after a busy day!

A good work out for teachers and pupils alike!
We have supported this school since 2004. Under the excellent headship of Lama Raju Kondan……enjoy! Have your sound turn up.

Congratulations to the winners in the May draw of our CHANCE 100 Club
1st - Sarah Osbourne - £120
2nd - Gill Ford - £80
3rd - Robin Faukner-Corbett - £50

Enjoy! I am delighted to say we continue to have 100 members❤👏

CHANCE for NEPAL - April report from BVS (Burns Violence Survivors).
I share four cases from the 9 patients supported in the burns unit. The report from BVS makes tragic reading as so many accidents are easily preventable. When an accident does occur, there is no 999 call for an ambulance with ...trained paramedics, but a desperate journey by the parents, nearly always by public transport in search of help.

There were 36 food baskets, 82 physiotherapy sessions, 40 counselling sessions and 15 ‘Goody bags’ all funded by CHANCE and given to the patients during April.

Divi is 6 years old and lives with her parents and 4 siblings in the district of Gulmi, Lumbini, which lies 290kms from Kathmandu. Her father is a cook in a small restaurant and mother is a housewife. Their financial situation is very poor.
Her mother was working in the goat shed and her father was out looking for work. Her siblings were asleep. Divi woke up and went to sit by the open fire which was used for cooking. She was wearing her mother’s long kurtha (long, loose skirt) which caught alight from wood on the open fire. Hearing her cry out, her mother rushed to her. First, she first took her to Gulmi Hospital by bus where a doctor applied ointment and bandaged her wounds. The following day her parents took her, again by bus, to Lumbini Province Hospital where they stayed for 2days. Due to lack of burn facilities they were advised to take her on the exhausting journey of 290 kms by bus to the burns unit at the Kanti Children’s Hospital. She suffered 11% - 2nd degree burns to her leg, elbow and stomach and has had 1 debridement surgery and 2 skin grafts. Her father is staying with her in hospital and her mother is at home looking after their other children.

Rajkumar is aged 2 and lives in Dhading, 110 kms from Kathmandu. His father is a driver and mother a housewife. He was watching videos with his elder brother on his mother’s phone, whilst she was doing household chores. She had prepared goats fodder and left it to cool on the floor. Rajkumar got bored with the video and started playing and went too close to the hot pot of fodder and fell into it. His mother came rushing, pulled off his clothes and applied eggs to the wounded area. She called her husband and they took him to the Gajuri Primary Health Centre where he received first-aid treatment. The doctor advised, due to the lack of burn care facilities at the centre to take him to the burns unit at the Kanti Children’s Hospital where he stayed for 21 days. He suffered 5% - 2nd degree burns to his left arm, right thigh and chest. He has recovered well and has been discharged and now back home.

Manjit is 11 months old and lives with his parents in Kathmandu. Both his parents are in the police force. Manjit was in the kitchen with his mother who had boiled water in an electric kettle. He accidently grabbed the cord of the kettle and the hot water spilt over him. He suffered 6% -2nd degree burns to both hands and his left knee. He has recovered well and now back home.

Farzana is 13 months old and lives with her mother and grandparents. His father works abroad as a ceiling designer. He had just returned home for a month’s holiday to be with his family. Her mother had boiled milk and placed it on a table and went to join her parents in prayer. Farzana was playing outside and went into the kitchen and pulled the hot milk over herself. Her mother heard her cry out and ran towards her and pulled off her clothes. The family called out for help from their neighbours and was taken to a private clinic by car an hour away where she stayed for two days. The treatment centre then advised they make the journey of 250 kms journey to the burns unit at the Kanti. She was on the unit for a month and suffered 35% - 2nd degree burns to her chest, arms, thigh and face. She was allowed home after being in hospital for a month.
Permission was given by the parents for their case studies to be shared.

If you would like to donate to the emergency fund which helps families return back to their village, buy food for their journey, help with a few clothes or medicines, then please visit the website: where you can donate on line.

CHANCE for Nepal - Quiz Night

A very special thank you to everyone who came to our Quiz Night at The Keep, in Guildford on Wednesday night. We were a full house of 33 people with 7 teams playing and raised a magnificent £500. It was a most enjoyable and fun evening.
My thanks to Jane... and Brian for another delicious beef pasta dish with veggie option and salad, and many thanks to Audrey behind the bar. Once again, many brought raffle prizes, super generous and very much appreciated. ❤️

I shared the excellent news that Aadesh, whose education in Nepal is sponsored by these quiz nights had been in touch to say he has been awarded a 75% scholarship to continue his university degree in Hotel Management in America and already has his visa. He leaves Nepal in July for the next exciting chapter in his life, this is such a terrific opportunity for him. Once qualified his ambition is to return to Nepal and open a small hotel…..I bet he will too. He is academically gifted with a great personality, charismatic, caring and handsome! He will go far in life. 🙏

We will continue to support him in whatever way we can. Maybe he will need a laptop to take with him. He will be sending us regular updates, so it's not good bye….just good luck Aadesh… hard and have fun! Jane and Brian have sponsored his education since he was aged 7 and we have all built up a warm and caring relationship with him.🥰

The funds raised last night will go to support our many projects in Nepal which I shared with everyone.

Our next quiz will be at the end of June. Please email: - if you would like to make up a team (of four to six)

We are thrilled to continue our support to BVS by funding this daily 'jingle' radio broadcast which will be transmitted to 77 districts throughout Nepal. Hopefully preventing many burns and saving lives! 🥰🙏

Shree Chokuney School - Kumala, Surkhet
We are delighted to see the finished school building, our 8th school with the brilliant organisation - GMIN NEPAL.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Rosy and Peter Gent, who donated £6,000 of the £9,400 needed to build this school ...building, the third school they have supported through CHANCE. We funded the remaining £3,400.

This is a government school and takes children from nursery to Grade 10 and has 447 students. Most schools in the area only go to Garde 8, so there is a further intake of students after Grade 8.

Each of the four classrooms will take 35 children The new 4 classrooms are for Grades 2 to 5. Presently the children are on holiday after their end of year exams and will be back at school next week. The new school year in Nepal is in April. 🙏🥰 Photos of the children in school will follow shortly once the school reopens which will bring the building alive!

Kanti Children’s Hospital - Burns Violence survivors (BVS)
BVS shared their monthly report for March.
There were 10 patients on the burns unit during March with 26 food baskets and 13 goody bags given out to the children and a total of 38 counselling sessions and 77 physiotherapy ...sessions.

Sushmit is aged 4 and an only child. She lives with her mother in Dhading, 115 kms from Kathmandu. Her father works as a driver in Saudi Arabia and sends money home for his family. Her mother is a housewife. Sushmit’s mother went into the forest to cut grass for their cow and Sushmit was at home with her grandfather and extended family. Her grandfather had made a bonfire and Sushmita was playing around with her cousins. Tragically, she tumbled and fell into the open fire and she got severely burnt. Other family members were busy with household chores, but hearing her cry out her grandmother rushed to her side and applied aloe vera and cow dung to the burnt areas!
When her mother returned home, she immediately took Sushmita to a local medical shop for first aid treatment. Due to the severity of her wound, she was referred to Kanti Children’s Hospital for further treatment on the same day. She suffered 12-15%, 2nd degree burns to her left hand, both legs and stomach. She stayed on the burns unit with her mother for 22 days and was then discharged and returned to her village.

Phurlamu is aged 4 and lives with her parents who are both farmers in the district of Taplejung which lies 670kms from Kathmandu. Their economic condition is very poor. Her parents were doing chores and Phurlamu was playing alone outside. Her mother had cooked fodder for the cow and left it on the ground to cool. Tragically, Phurlamu went too close to the large pot and accidently fell into it and she got severely burnt. Hearing her cry, her mother rushed her to the nearest medical shop 18kms away where her wounds were dressed. The pharmacist said she needed the expertise of the burns unit at the Kanti Children’s Hospital in Kathmandu and she was taken by ambulance 670kms Kathmandu. She suffered 15%, 2nd degree burns to her thighs, back and bottom. Her mother is staying with her and she is still undergoing treatment.

Rita is 10 months old and lives in Kathmandu with her mother and aunt. Her mother works as a beautician and her father works as a mechanic in Dubai, and send funds back to the family. Her mother had boiled water in an electric kettle and had gone to sort out the washing. Ruth was playing alone in the kitchen where her aunt was preparing soup. She had placed an electric kettle on the floor and Ruth crawled towards it and grabbed the hot kettle and the hot water spilled all over her body. Her mother rushed to her hearing her crying and poured cool water on the wounded area. They immediately called for a taxi and reached Kanti children’s hospital emergency room within 20 minutes after the incident. She suffered 6-8%, 2nd degree burns to her legs and feet. After 8 days she was able to return home with her mother.

Tika is 13 months old and he lives with his parents in Kaski, Kathmandu. He is an only child, his mother is a housewife and father works as a teacher.
His mother had boiled water in an electric kettle to warm apples for him to eat. She had kept the electric kettle on the edge of the countertop and was doing other chores. Tika went near the electric kettle and pulled the wire leading the kettle to fall towards him, spilling hot water on his body. His mother saw this and immediately poured cool water on his body. His mother called his father and went to International Friendship Children's Hospital. The doctor applied some ointment but due to the lack of burn care facilities he suggested they go to Kanti Children’s Hospital. He suffered 4%, 2nd degree burns to his neck, chest and left arm. His mother and aunt are staying with him in hospital and the father visits daily before and after work. He is recovering and will be in hospital for a further two weeks.

Permission by the parents was given and all names have been changed.

From the 8th March CHANCE is funding a daily radio broadcast which will cover 77 districts throughout Nepal giving vital information on the prevention of burns and if they happen how to treat them. In our Annual Review 2023, we had an SOS appeal for funding, £2,500 - for the daily broadcasts and our Patron Joanna Lumley most generously responded.

Congratulations to the winners in the April draw for CHANCE 100
1st - David Dawson - £120
2nd - Julie Livingstone - £80
3rd - Diana Vettesse - £50
Thank you for your on going support.
Delighted to say we currently have 100 members.

We are delighted to add the remaining funds needed to complete this school with Rosy and Peter Gent who donated £6,000. This will be our eighth school with the fantastic organisation GMIN, our long term partner on the ground in Nepal. Rosy and Peter have supported two other schools through CHANCE... in the last five years with GMIN. Terrific support from them.
GMIN builds with proper foundations and tie beams, which are concreted all the way round on each corner making for a stronger building. Each wall will also be plastered with cement.
Bidya, the President of GMIN has been overseeing the project and is seen in one of the photos below. 🥰🙏

Congratulations to the winners of the March draw for CHANCE 100.
1st - Geraldine Williams - £120
2nd - Rosa Yip - £80
3rd - Marisa De Muinek - £50
Many thanks for your ongoing support. We have 100 members to date. 🙏

A special thank you to Stu Bevan whom I missed thanking in my Annual Review! Stu hosts the CHANCE website and is a great supporter of our charity. 🥰🙏

A very special thank you to everyone who turned out in bad weather for our quiz night at The Keep, in Guildford last night. We had 32 people playing in 6 teams and raised a magnificent £500🙏 It was a most enjoyable evening.

Thank you to Jane and Brian for another delicious beef ...pasta dish with a veggie option and salad, and many thanks to Ellan behind the bar.

It never ceases to amaze me how generous you all are, brining raffle prizes as well as buying raffle tickets, kindness itself. 🥰
The funds raised last night will continue to support Addesh who is in his first year of a four year course in Hotel Management at the prestigious GATE College, in Kathmandu. Jane and Brian have sponsored his education for the past 12 years.
Email: if you would like to make up a team (of four to six) Our next quiz night will be towards the end of April.

We are delighted to be involved in our 8th school with the fantastic organisation GMIN, one of our partners on the ground in Nepal who we have been supporting for over 10 years.
I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to Rosy and Peter Gent who donated £6,000 (64%) towards the building of the This being their third school supported through CHANCE. Last year, they funded the repainting as well as extra books for another school they funded 5 years ago under our maintenance programme with GMIN.
Well done GMIN, for all your hard work in building these schools in remote areas in the west of Nepal 👏
Wonderful to see the school taking shape from the foundations upwards 🙏🥰

Congratulations to the winners of the February CHANCE 100 draw which took place this morning. Enjoy!
1st - Lawrence Nice - £120
2nd - Di Day - £80
3rd - Julie Livingston - £50
Delighted to say we continue to have 100 members. Thank you all for your continued support.

We are delighted to share our ANNUAL REVIEW for 2023. Please click on the link below to view.

Image for shared link

Congratulations to the winners in our first draw of 2024 which was drawn this morning…. enjoy!
1st Don Holiday - £120
2nd Eloise Fitzgerald - £80
3rd Lindsay Slater - £50
Thank you all so much for your on going support.
We currently have 100 members 🙏🥰

The December report from BVS (Burns Violence Survivors.)
I share four cases from the 10 patients supported by BVS in the burns unit during the month of December. They do such sterling work, and are dedicated and committed.

There were 25 food baskets, 64 physiotherapy sessions, 30 ...counselling sessions and 12 ‘Goody bags’ all funded through Chance during the month.

Bhan is 11 months old and comes from the district of Bara, 140kms from Kathamndu.
He is an only child; his father is a farmer and mother a housewife. They financial situation is very poor.
Bhan was outside with his mother who had started a fire to cook on. His father was doing household jobs. His mother left Bhan on the ground whilst she went to collect vegetables from the garden and he crawled towards the fire where tragically he got severely burnt. As soon as his mother heard him cry out, she rushed to him and immediately applied aloe vera onto the burnt area. She then took him by bus to a nearby pharmacy but because his wounds were severe she was advised to go by ambulance to the Makwanpur Shakari Hospital, a 54kms journey. There he received only medication and dressings and was admitted for 2 days. They had no money left for further treatment and due to his wounds being severe and with no adequate facilities for burns of this type, he was then referred to the specialized burns unit Kanti Children Hospital, a further 87kms away for specialised treatment. He suffered 9%, 2nd degree burns to his face. He treatment is ongoing.

Sagar is four years old and lives with his parents in Kathmandu.
He had returned from kindergarten and his grandmother had placed an electric kettle on top of a chair to heat water! She then went to the kitchen to prepare a Horlicks drink for him and on her return, she saw him underneath the chair where she had left the electric kettle. His mother was out and as his father was preparing to go out when he accidently knocked the kettle which fell over Sagar’s lower body. Sagar was wearing cotton pants and when they tried pulling them off, his skin came off. His grandmother applied tomatoes on the burnt area and they immediately rushed him to Kanti Children’s Hospital for further treatment. His grandmother is staying with him on the burns unit. He suffered 15% 3rd degree burns to his stomach, groin, hips and lower back. He is undergoing treatment. Both parents have been unemployed for many years. His treatment is ongoing.

Prakash is 4 years old and comes from the district of Kailali, Bardagoriya, 450kms from Kathmandu. He lives with his father who works the land, his mother a housewife, little sister and grandfather who is mentally ill. His father had gone out. His mother had placed a large pot of sheep fodder on the floor to cool after she preparing it and gone to take a shower. Prakash was playing around and according to his grandfather, Prakash accidentally tripped and fell into the hot pot. His grandfather took him outside and hearing him cry out his mother came rushing to him. She immediately took him to the Dodoghara hospital a fifteen-minute walk, where they dressed his wounds and kept admitted him in for 5 days. His mother felt no progress being made, so both parents brought him to the burns unit at the Kanti, a 450kms journey by bus. He suffered 5%, 1st degree burns to both thighs and his groin. After 17 days he was discharged home.

Astok is 10 months old and an only child. His father works as a migrant worker in Dubai. His mother and Astok live in Dang in Western Nepal. His mother had heated up oil to give Astok a massage, (This is a common practice mothers do). She put the hot pan on the floor to let it cool for a few minutes whilst she got busy with some household chores. Astok was playing around and accidentally stepped on to the hot oil which splashed all over his whole face and head. His mother rushed to him and applied tomatoes on the burnt area. Immediately, he was rushed by scooter to Tulshi Bal Hospital, in Dang where he received first-aid treatment. On the same day, he went by jeep to Butwal Amda Hospital where he received dressing only. As this hospital didn’t have the facilities to treat Astok he was transferred via plane to Kathmandu and the Kanti Children’s Hospital. He has now returned home.

All names have been changed for protection and permission granted from the parents.🙏