Andy Noble turned a rush of blood to the head into a money-raising opportunity! Having dyed his hair purple – don’t ask – he got his colleagues at Bioscript Group Ltd, based in Macclesfield, near Manchester, to donate money to guess the colour and get him to reveal all rather than wearing a hat for the next 3 months. His colleagues got behind the idea and donated £410, more than he could have imagined. Andy matched this amount, his father-in law also made a generous donation and Bioscript matched the total donated at the close of the appeal. Thus, a brilliant £1,790 was raised for our SOS Food Parcel Appeal. This will buy lots and lots of food parcels for the many families who are starving right now in Nepal. MAY 2020
On behalf of CHANCE for NEPAL, I would like to say a whopping thank you to Andy and Bioscript.